Try our email verification API here! It's free to use!
We use multiple different advanced heuristic methods to determine if a previously-unknown domain is disposable or not. This means that we, in real-time, can block even the newest sources of spam and malicious activity.
Besides that, we check the MX pointer, the domain information, name servers, reputation, etc, and verify that it's all valid, and do lots of other checks to determine if an e-mail address is valid, invalid, disposable or suspicious.
We combine that with extensive white- and blacklists, to deliver a result as quick as possible through our load-balanced servers across the world.
Just verifying an e-mail with a regular expression or blocking specific domains isn't enough. Stop spamming and trolls once and for all.
At the very least, you should check if an email address is valid at all, not just that it "looks like" an email. After the email address verification, you could decide if you also want to block disposable email.